Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction  (female)

Breast reduction is a major operation that can help make your breasts feel smaller, lighter and give them a better shape.

If you're feeling very distressed about the size of your breasts, or they're causing problems like backache, you might consider to have a breast reduction  procedure 


It can take 2 to 6 weeks to fully recover from breast reduction surgery.

You may need to take 2 to 3 weeks off work, and need help with housework, childcare and shopping.

You should not drive until it's no longer painful to wear a seatbelt. This may be several weeks.

Avoid stretching, strenuous exercise and heavy lifting for up to 6 weeks after the operation.

Some surgeons suggest wearing a sports bra 24 hours a day for up to 3 months after breast surgery.


Breast Reduction (male)

Some men have one or both breasts that are abnormally large.

Known as gynaecomastia, this condition can be caused by a hormone imbalance or from being very overweight, which can increase levels of oestrogen and cause breast tissue to grow.

Breast reduction surgery is an option for men with gynaecomastia. It may also be used to tighten the breast area after significant weight loss that has caused the skin to sag.

However, surgery is not suitable for men who have large breasts simply from being overweight.



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