Beard Transplant

How’s a Beard Transplant Performed?

The FUE procedure is also used for Beard Transplants to restore facial hair. Just like a hair transplant, it is minimally invasive and it doesn’t leave scarring, making it a popular technique for a lot of men. The donor area used for a  beard transplant is either the side or back of the head, depending on where there’s more finer hair. Once the donor area is  prepared, the surgeon uses a punch to extract the individual hair grafts and make small incisions where the grafts will be transplanted.

It’s a Popular Technique with A Lot of Men

In order to promote natural hair growth, the grafts are then placed in a predetermined density and pattern at the right angle. The technicians generally do the final part of the procedure, inserting the individual grafts in place. A beard transplant is administered under local anaesthesia and depending on the number of grafts to be transplanted it usually lasts around 4-6 hours. Initial results can be noticed after just 6 months, while full results are expected after one year following surgery. The results will be natural looking and hair will permanently continue to grow.


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